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Related Skills

Strong technical background.
Foundational courses like calculus and physics form the foundation of modern engineering. Engineers need this background to “speak the language” of engineering.

Creativity and problem-solving skills.
Almost as important as a strong technical background, engineers need to be able to think creatively about a problem and brainstorm potential solutions.

Most engineers work in teams. Working effectively in a team environment requires practice and shared responsibility.

Engineers need to be able to communicate their creative design solutions to the world. Engineers communicate through written, verbal, and graphical/pictorial media. Don’t forget that listening is an important communication skill.

Many real-world engineering problems are multifaceted and complex. The best solution might not be obvious, so engineers may need to overcome obstacles and look at a problem from many sides to find the best solution.

Being Successful in the Field

Be willing to learn new things.
The field of engineering is constantly changing, with new advancements every day in areas like Artificial Intelligence, 3d printing, augmented- and virtual reality, and advanced materials. Engineers need to continue learning throughout their entire career. Don’t be afraid to fail. Sometimes new ideas work, and sometimes they don’t. Engineers are constantly trying new things to create better designs and technologies.

Build strong teamwork and communication skills.
Many engineering problems are interdisciplinary, so engineers need to be able to communicate and collaborate effectively with people from other areas.

Related Fields

Example job titles:

  • Design Engineer
  • Research Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Robotics Engineer
  • Energy Systems Engineer
  • Reliability Engineer
  • Instrumentation Engineer
  • Systems Engineer
  • Automotive Engineer
  • Scientist Technical Sales

Career Industry Liaison

Name Office Email Phone
Sakhawat Tanim  223 Bone Student Center  (309) 438-5864