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Related Skills

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Illinois State University prepares you for a wide range of career opportunities in many industries, from automotive and aerospace to robotics, biomedical, and clean energy.

Our program will not only provide strong technical training but also foster entrepreneurial thinking, enabling graduates to innovate and lead in their chosen fields of industry.

Technical competency
Deep understanding of fundamental engineering principles like thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, machine design, dynamics, and controls, sharpening problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Ability to design innovative solutions to complex engineering challenges, identify and capitalize on opportunities, drive innovation, and bring new technologies to market.

Computational know-how
Ability to use state-of-the-art numerical methods and software tools, including computer-aided design (CAD), design, manufacturing, analysis, and artificial intelligence tools.

Experience in interdisciplinary teamwork, reflecting the collaborative nature of modern engineering.

Leadership and hands-on experience through participation in student organizations and clubs, such as Formula SAE, where students can represent ISU in regional and national competitions, showcase innovative projects and designs, network with industry professionals and peers.

Being Successful in the Field

To excel in mechanical engineering, you should continuously update your technical expertise to keep pace with industry advancements.

You should embrace a growth mindset, committing to lifelong learning and professional development.

Developing a strong work ethic and attention to detail is also crucial, ensuring high-quality work.

Building a robust network of professional contacts and mentors provides valuable guidance and support.

Engaging in internships, research projects, and professional networking is essential to gain practical experience and insights.

Fostering an entrepreneurial spirit empowers graduates to innovate, lead, and create new technologies and business ventures.

Related Fields

Graduates of Illinois State's Mechanical Engineering program have opportunities across many industries, academia, and national laboratories, including:

Automotive and Aerospace Engineering:
Design and development of vehicles, aircraft, and spacecraft

Robotics and Automation:
Creation of intelligent systems and process automation

Design, manufacturing, and optimization of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems

Clean Energy:
Development of sustainable technologies like hydrogen, solar, geothermal, wind, and ocean

Medical technology:
Design and development of innovative medical devices, implants, diagnostic equipment, and other medical equipment that improve human health and lifestyle

Manufacturing and Production:
Optimization of manufacturing processes and machinery design

Research and Development:
Investigation of new engineering principles and development of cutting-edge technologies in graduate school, academia, or national laboratories

Entrepreneurial Ventures:
Starting new businesses or driving innovation within existing companies

Career Industry Liaison

Name Office Email Phone
Sakhawat Tanim  223 Bone Student Center  (309) 438-5864 

Internship Coordinator

Name Office Email Phone
Sakhawat Tanim  Bone Student Center 223  (309) 438-5864